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Meet the Crusaders / Kaylyn Torres

In celebration of the 2016 DCI Drum Corps Season, Band Shoppe and The Boston Crusaders are pleased to present Meet the Crusaders. This is part 4 of a 12 part series with Q & A with a few of the amazing people that make up this Corps of Giants!
Want more? read past Q & A’s.

Kaylyn Torres – 2016 Boston Crusaders Sabre Line Member

Q: What is your full name?

Kaylyn Ena Torres

Q: Where are you from?

Originally from Manchester, New Hampshire but I live in Orlando.

Q: Where do you go to school?

I attended University High School, Orlando, in college I want to major in computer science/technology

Boston Crusaders - Drum & Bugle Corps

Q: What is your role with the Boston Crusaders?

I am on the sabre line in the color guard

Q: What was your inspiration to become a Boston Crusader? 

A combination of being from the Boston area and having a lot of very inspirational people in my life March here made me feel a personal connection to the corps from the start. Watching Boston’s shows have always given me a feeling no other corps could ever give.

Q: What does being a Crusader mean to you? 

Since I’ve been here everybody had been nothing but welcoming and extremely supportive. Being a crusader to me means coming together to do something so big and so beautiful that none of the individuals here could do on their own. But also doing it with fire in our eyes and with everything we have.

Q: What advice would you give to future Crusaders? 

Advice to a future Boston Crusader would definitely be to make it count. Always do your best and through all of the hard days don’t allow yourself to forget why you came and why you love what you do.

Q: Who inspires you? 

Everybody else’s hard work inspires me, my staff inspires me, and my family inspires me

B O N U S   Q U E S T I O N S !

My favorite kind of cookie is Macadamia nut.

Q: If you were a scented marker, what would you smell like?

I’d smell like strawberries

Q: Who is your favorite Disney villain?

Gaston from Beauty and the Beast

Q:  Whatโ€™s your secret hidden talent?

I can cross one eye and keep the other one straight. (:

Q: What is the one, single food that you would love to have right now?


Q: What do you think cats dream about?

Cats dream about being tigers and have nightmares about fur balls

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