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Flag Poles & Accessories

Made of the highest quality aluminum or plastic, Band Shoppe has a color guard flag pole option to fit every flag size! Flag Chains, Ultralite, Aluminum, and Fiberglass poles for swing flags, and the traditional Aluminum Band Shoppe poles in 5′ to 7′ lengths, or our 10′ PVC Bungee pole for those high-flying Giant Flags. Our crutch-style pole tips feature specially engineered Impact Displacement Disks to protect your poles and keep your guard looking top-notch!

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The size of the guard flag in relation to the pole size used is important to consider. This keeps your flags looking proportional on the field or floor. Band Shoppe offers several standard flag sizes to fit your performance. Larger color guard flags provide a visual impact or a “wow” factor. Smaller flags are great for maneuverability when performing spins and tosses. For custom flags, any size dimension can be utilized. All flag sizes are approximate and may vary slightly. Band Shoppe recommends 5′ to 5½’ pole for flags with a smaller header, around 30″ to 33″. Most of our in stock color guard flags feature a 36″ header and work well with a 6′ to 6½’ pole. Larger flags in the 42″ to 45″ header range call for a longer 7′ pole.

You can read more in our article: How to Choose the Right Flag Pole

Need some help before you order? Contact our Sales Team at (800)457-3501 or at sales@bandshoppe.com.

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