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Meet the Crusaders / RJ Thompson

In celebration of the 2016 DCI Drum Corps Season, Band Shoppe and The Boston Crusaders are pleased to present Meet the Crusaders. This is part 5 of a 12 part series with Q & A with a few of the amazing people that make up this Corps of Giants!
Want more? read past Q & A’s.

RJ Thompson – 2016 Boston Crusaders Trumpet Player

Q: Whats your name, age, and years how many years have you been with the corps?

I am RJ Thompson, I’m 17 and this is my first year with the Boston Crusaders

Q: Where are you from?

I am from Richmond, Texas.

Q: Where do you go to school?

I go to Kempner High School. I am hoping to go to school at Northwestern, for trumpet performance.

Boston Crusaders - Drum & Bugle Corps

Q: What is your role with the Boston Crusaders?

I am a trumpet player.

Q: What was your inspiration to become a Boston Crusader? 

I grew up with drum corps, and knew some of the history, and seeing all of these seemingly random people come together and make this amazing, family-like organization and create something simply beautiful, while having so many hard times in the past made me realize that this is the place I should be.

Q: What does being a Crusader mean to you? 

Being a crusader is giving your all at anything put in your way. Seeing the corpsโ€™ history and seeing all of the rough times, and then seeing how those Giants pushed through to create something bigger than just to give all of us the opportunity shows me what it takes to be a giant, a Boston crusader.

Q: What advice would you give to future Crusaders? 

My advice to a future crusader is to just give yourself to the activity. No one here is going to make you uncomfortable, and no one supports you as much as the corps does, on and off the field.

Q: Who inspires you? 

Steve Brown, the Boston Crusaders Brass Consultant, inspires me.

B O N U S   Q U E S T I O N S !

My favorite kind of cookie is for sure a dark German chocolate dough, with dark chocolate chips, and a gooey chocolate center.

Meet the Crusaders / RJ Thompson

Q: Who is your favorite Disney villain?

My favorite Disney villain is with out a doubt Maleficent. She put someone to sleep, and literally nothing could wake her up. NOTHING. Pretty intense if you ask me…

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