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Meet the Crusaders / Jacob Bowman

In celebration of the 2016 DCI Drum Corps Season, Band Shoppe and The Boston Crusaders are pleased to present Meet the Crusaders. This is part 2 of a 12 part series with Q & A with a few of the amazing people that make up this Corps of Giants!
Want more? read past Q & A’s.

Jacob Bowman – 2016 Boston Crusaders  Color Guard Member

Q: Whats your full name, age, and years how many years have you been with the corps?

My name is Jacob Bowman, I am 21 years old and this is my third year with the Boston Crusaders.

Q: Where are you from?

I’m from Indianapolis, Indiana

Q: Where do/did you go to school?

I went to high school at Franklin Central High school and I attended college for two years at IUPUI

Boston Crusaders - Dumb and Bugle Corps

Q: What is your role with the Boston Crusaders?

I’m a color guard member

Q: What was your inspiration to become a Boston Crusader?

The thing that drew me to Boston was the passion behind their shows

Q: What does being a Crusader mean to you?

Being a Boston Crusader to me means not only growing exponentially as a performer but also having a support system and family of hundreds of other crusaders. I now have a family of every generation of Boston Crusaders for the past 76 years that I can trust and that I can get support from. I’m part of a corps with such a rich history and this family that I have here is what being a Boston Crusader really means to me.

Q: What advice would you give to future Crusaders?

If you are looking to become a Boston Crusader, I would say to hold on tight, because it’s a ride full of different emotions. And while it will be hard, and frustrating at sometimes, looking back after finals night and being able to see your family of Crusaders and say “We did this together” is the most rewarding feeling in the world.

Q: Who inspires you?

Honestly, my caption head, Rory Duffey inspires me so much. Everything he does is so organic and he makes me see the world in a different light while I’m in rehearsal.

B O N U S   Q U E S T I O N S !

Meet the Crusaders / Jacob Bowman

Q: If you were a scented marker, what would you smell like?

If I were a smelly marker, so would be the mint one because I’m obsessed with mint.

Q: What is the one, single food that you would love to have right now?

I would love to have Taco Bell right now.

Q:Who is your favorite Disney villain?

My favorite Disney villain is Gaston because I’m in love with Beauty and the Beast!

Meet the Crusaders / Jacob Bowman

Q:  What do you think cats dream about?

I’m fairly positive my cat dreams about either chasing mice, or catnip.

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