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Here for Our Community and Customers!

When the onset of the COVID-19 outbreak began, our company was informed of the need for face masks (PPE) by the local medical community. 

On March 20th, we transitioned manufacturing into producing cloth face masks that would be donated to local hospitals, medical facilities, first responders, and patient support services.

Both manufacturing and office staff all participated in making masks, from fielding donation requests, cutting elastic, pinning, sewing and inspecting. All hands were on deck!

We completed our 6th-week of cloth face mask production on Friday, May 1st, and totaled 53,606 masks that were donated to 127 different groups or individuals.

That’s 1,848 cloth masks per day!

We know there is still a long road ahead in the fight against the coronavirus, but we are very thankful for the opportunity to help our community during this uncertain time. As we transition back to normal manufacturing, we look forward to the opportunity to assist our customers with their uniform design and future purchases. 

Protecting Our Team

As a company, we are striving to maintain a safe work environment for all employees. Staff that is ages 65+ or are considered high risk have been asked to stay home at this time. We have initiated stricter cleaning procedures and posted signs to encourage proper hand-washing.

Click Here to Read our Full List of Safety Protocols

Although our warehouse has continued to process orders during this time, many of our vendors are experiencing delays because of their own state’s stay-at-home guidelines. 

If you have any questions regarding an order you have placed, please contact our Customer Care Department by calling (800) 457-3501 or email wecare@bandshoppe.com

We want to thank everyone in our community who encouraged our team as they worked on making cloth face masks. Your support was greatly appreciated and gave us the motivation to continue to work enthusiastically!

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